@ Director
As mind master of the CDIOT, this gives me the opportunity to open a discussion on the fascinating Mind's Creative Processes and the Theatre. So I invite you to join our community, getting it prestigious, because it will be built with your intuitions and questions, meditation and inner answers. This is the place where you can use the freedom to express your doubts and you ideas, sharing with the others the research of your way. The Mind is a living miracle, available better than we could immagine; the theatre is a powerful tool to get deeply its power! But what beyond our discussions?
Prepare for becoming part of a new way to discuss with your right emisphere.
Explore the real power of hypnosis, dramatherapy and cinema-dramatherapy and get away its magic and false misconceptions.
Work nicely with us to create our friendship and the warmth of our curiosity and mind’s exploration.
Learn, enjoy and get excited!
Help yourself adapt to altering life-style changes..if there’s one constant in our life today it’s change; from every direction and faster than ever.
Let’s make the dream a reality...and much much more! Contact and interface with our staff; psychiatrists and psychologists will help you to get your life better!I’m just looking forward to seeing your messages here!

"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do" Elbert Hubbard

mercoledì 18 marzo 2009

Step Trail

Una volta, scrissi il breve brano che segue per una giovane donna presa da sconforto. Un problema fisico stava consumando insieme al corpo anche l'energia che quello sorregge. Era inglese, le scrissi in inglese; non l'avevo mai vista, sapevo il suo problema, sapeva che volevo aiutarla. Nessun contratto o consenso informato, ma la condivisione di un momento tra un medico ed un paziente che non sarebbe stato mai stato suo, se non nell'affidamento/fidarsi di un momento. L'operazione le portò "fortuna"!
Non chiedetemi di ritradurlo in italiano, fu pensato per essere in lingua inglese, ma tentate di farlo ed ...arrampicatevi senza timore!

Dopo aver pensato di porlo qui come post, a significare l'uso dell'energia nel teatro della vita, ricevo un commento di Nina al precedente inserimento di Mr. Hube. Incredibile, montagna lì, montagna qui...Che esista la telepatia?! Io vi ho sempre creduto...

Step Trail

"Come close… Once there was a steep trail that was sometimes chosen as a passageway by the rains in winter and much rarer by a solitary wayfarer. Never at night, though... the trail was always there, but it seemed that even the moon avoided it, so hidden amidst the thorns and bushes. Season after season it was shunned, viewed as inaccessible because it was out of the way or because there were less steep paths in the mountains.
One day, unable to endure its fate no longer, the trail decided to slide down, tired with the life. It waited until the winter floods arrived, when the water wildly sweeps away all sorts of things in its path… and it threw itself into the downward descent during the first big thunderstorm… When it finally reached the bottom, the trail felt endless pleasure, stretching out in the plains, the sun warming every once inaccessible corner, and the sounds of a place that is no longer solitary, yet…
... soon the trail became bored and longed for the steep thoughts it used to have alone on the western side of the tall mountain… The trail could no longer return uphill … so tired and dejected, it let the current carry it further down... ending up in the bed of a stream, where it found itself bathing the feet of a little girl … Slightly fearful yet curious, the trail – yes, that precise trail, so used to precipices -- climbed up the little girl’s legs… entered her thoughts… and silently convinced her to be taken once again to the mountain top, nestled now in her fresh, curious mind".

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Ciclo di Conferenze-Dibattito 2010, aperte al pubblico

organizzate dall' Atelier di Drammaterapia Liberamente -h. 20,00,in sede-

-09 aprile, Il Teatro che cura, dal drama alla drammaterapia + Laboratorio
-07 maggio, La lezione di Grotowsky + Laboratorio
-04 giugno, la Cinematerapia e la Cinema-dramaterapia + Laboratorio
-02 luglio, l'Hypnodrama + Laboratorio: il Ritorno del Padre
(nuova programmazione a settembre)

Gli incontri, aperti su prenotazione, condurranno i partecipanti lungo un percorso informativo, spesso provocatorio e divertente, tra le possibilità e le risorse della mente. I seminari e le conferenze -a carattere educativo e divulgativo - sono indirizzati ad pubblico non professionale, ma anche a tutti coloro che desiderano approfondire la conoscenza della Drammaterapia, quindi educatori, operatori sociali, insegnanti, medici e psicologi La partecipazione agli incontri è gratuita, su prenotazione alle pagine del sito o telefonando alla segreteria scientifica, tel. 340-3448785 o segnalandosi a info.atelier@dramatherapy.it